Source: Puthanampatti forest, Trichy.
What an enthralling experience to wake up to wild grooves with wild varieties of birds chirping around us. Avenue, trees, paths, sunbeams, sunrays, wind, insects, soil, etc.. enclosing a thick groove forest is one amazing learning which we got to experience there. As a part of Aarvam’s ecology observatory block, two forests namely ‘Puthanampatti forest’ & ‘Kalarampatti Reserve Forest’ has been toured & studied.

Source: Puthanampatti forest, Trichy.
Studying on vegetation types, how hard scapes & green scapes merge.
Many exciting aspects of forests really made us ponder over a lot of thoughts like vegetation pattern, how closely different varieties of trees choose each other & live in their groups, dryscapes, enclosures, trails, etc. Dr.Vijayakumar who is specialised in Sidhha Medicine accompanied with the study team and a detailed knowledge by experiential learning on the species type, its medicinal values & its growth pattern has been explained beautifully.
Forests are the spaces where we hear ourselves better. To create a forest of 1.5 acres at Payir campus, planting native vegetation & recreating the lost history has been focused keenly. Documentation & listing each typology has been processed to co relate it with the Samacheer Kalvi system of education to create it for our children.

Source: Kalarammpatti Reserve Forest, Trichy
Studying various types of ecosystems to recreate a thick dense forest which will not disturb these scintillating species type. Apart from these forest trails, few sample material boards for eco-block to document the bird varieties at thenur and itssurrounding villages are being planned to showcase as a galleria. Playing cards for kids based on birds has been contributed by Vidyut from Amagi. The kids have been enjoying the study process thoroughly as it’s fun- learning at the end of the day!!

Snippets of Playing Cards & Study Boards.